


MPLUS英文多水平模型分析书籍:An Introduction to Multilevel Modeling Techniques-MLM and SEM approaches using MPLUS
作者:By Ronald H. Heck, Scott L. Thomas
出版公司:Routledge – 2015 – 440 pages
所属系列:Quantitative Methodology Series
书籍介绍:Univariate and multivariate multilevel models are used to understand how to design studies and analyze data in this comprehensive text distinguished by its variety of applications from the educational, behavioral, and social sciences. Basic and advanced models are developed from the multilevel regression (MLM) and latent variable (SEM) traditions within one unified analytic framework for investigating hierarchical data. The authors provide examples using each modeling approach and also explore situations where alternative approaches may be more appropriate, given the research goals. Numerous examples and exercises allow readers to test their understanding of the techniques presented.
Changes to the new edition include:
-The use of Mplus 7.2 for running the analyses including the input and data files at
-Expanded discussion of MLM and SEM model-building that outlines the steps taken in the process, the relevant Mplus syntax, and tips on how to evaluate the models.
-Expanded pedagogical program now with chapter objectives, boldfaced key terms, a glossary, and more tables and graphs to help students better understand key concepts and techniques.
-Numerous, varied examples developed throughout which make this book appropriate for use in education, psychology, business, sociology, and the health sciences.
-Expanded coverage of missing data problems in MLM using ML estimation and multiple imputation to provide currently-accepted solutions (Ch. 10).
-New chapter on three-level univariate and multilevel multivariate MLM models provides greater options for investigating more complex theoretical relationships(Ch.4).
-New chapter on MLM and SEM models with categorical outcomes facilitates the specification of multilevel models with observed and latent outcomes (Ch.8).
-New chapter on multilevel and longitudinal mixture models provides readers with options for identifying emergent groups in hierarchical data (Ch.9).
-New chapter on the utilization of sample weights, power analysis, and missing data provides guidance on technical issues of increasing concern for research publication (Ch.10).
Ideal as a text for graduate courses on multilevel, longitudinal, latent variable modeling, multivariate statistics, or advanced quantitative techniques taught in psychology, business, education, health, and sociology, this book’s practical approach also appeals to researchers. Recommended prerequisites are introductory univariate and multivariate statistics.
1. Introduction
2. Getting Started with Multilevel Analysis
3. Multilevel Regression Models
4. Extending the Two-Level Regression Model
5. Defining Multilevel Latent Variables
6. Multilevel Structural Equation Models
7. Methods for Examining Individual and Organizational Change
8. Multilevel Models with Categorical Variables
9. Multilevel Mixture Models
10. Data Consideration in Examining Multilevel Models


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